The Next Stage Project collaborates with key European partners to strengthen the independent performing arts scene. Through alliances with organizations like TooFarEast, Workshop Foundation, and Nedelcu&Hauser, the project drives cross-border collaboration and support for emerging talent, focusing on sustainable, interdisciplinary growth within the performing arts. Discover how our partnerships shape the future of the arts industry across Europe.
arts project partners, TooFarEast, Nedelcu&Hauser, Workshop Foundation, European arts collaboration, performing arts networks, contemporary dance support, cross-border arts partnerships, interdisciplinary arts production, sustainable arts initiatives
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Technical coordination

Saturday 8 March 2025
@ Trafó House of Contemporary Arts (Studio)
41. Liliom street, 1094

Registration Form:

A moment to take a pause, reflect and think about the methods we use, the
way we work and interact. A team of international producers launch a
discussion and workshop on cross-border collaborations in an informal

This session will focus on a crucial aspect of cultural production: technical
coordination. May we be working as artists or production managers, soon we
will encounter the issues of setting up an event, a production – and we will
find ourselves discussing technical riders.
– “How many people can be seated and in what ways?”
– “Is there anything in the show that requires special announcements? Is
this show accessible?”
– “How will you transport your set?”
– “How much time do you need for set-up?”
Once we start touring, it will also become clear that the answers to these
questions might differ in each venue, as well as the standard practices in
each country.

During the session managers and artists coordinating tours globally will
share their experience with the participants.

*the event will be held in english
**the event is free of charge, but pre-registration is required

International collaborations

Friday 7 March 2025
@ Trafó House of Contemporary Arts (Kabin)
41. Liliom street, 1094

Registration Form:

International collaborations – where to start, how to develop?
A moment to take a pause, reflect and think about the methods we use, the
way we work and interact. A team of international producers launch a
discussion and workshop on cross-border collaborations in an informal

During this session we will focus on the possibilities of developing
international collaborations in performing arts.
We will explore aspects of partnership development – where to meet them,
what are the foundations of a successful cooperation between partners?
What are the roles and possibilities of an artist and a manager in the
international sphere?

Join us if you are:
– an artist interested being involved in international projects;
– a cultural producer or professional seeking (new) international
collaboration opportunities;
– interested to explore what types of possibilities can exist besides selling
productions and touring.

10:00-12:30 – Partnership development – sharing best practices, mapping
12:30-13:30 – Lunch break & networking
13:30-16:00 – First steps of an international project – identifying your resources,

Brigitta Kovács & Gergely Talló / Hungary / Workshop Foundation
Mara Nedelcu & Franziska Hauser / Germany / Nedelcu & Hauser production
More info about the facilitators:

*the event will be held in english
**the event is free of charge, but pre-registration is required