The Next Stage Project is a collaborative incubator program empowering emerging managers in Europe’s independent performing arts sector. Through three core pillars—young creatives incubation, knowledge-sharing events, and international mobility—it builds resilient support structures. The program fosters sustainable career paths by connecting new managers with experienced professionals, enhancing cross-cultural practices, and expanding visibility for Eastern European arts.
Performing arts incubator, emerging arts managers, independent arts sector Europe, cultural exchange programs, creative capacity building, international mobility for artists, sustainable arts careers, Eastern European arts support, arts management mentorship, collaborative arts development
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Mobilities in the frame of Next Stage

The International Mobility module aims to expand the international network of cultural managers and associated artists, offer dialogue opportunities with international peers and improve the visibility of the Eastern European performing arts field in the sector. 

TFENikos MavrakisNew YorkAPAPJanuary 2024Nikos Mavrakis represented TFE's artists at APAP, met producers participating in the Festival Academy. The visit resulted in expansion of TFE's network globally, and an invitation of a production manged by the organisation to Under the Radar Festival.
WSFBrigitta KovácsNew YorkAPAP, GPS meetingJanuary 2024Brigitta Kovács represented Hungarian artists and Workshop Foundation at APAP. Together with Gergely Talló they attended the Global Practice Sharing annual meeting in New York. Brigitta and Gergely both run exchange projects between the US and Budapest, which provide crucial opportunities for artists to creat mutual understnding between the two contexts, and speread their work globally.
N&HFranziska HauserFreiburgTanzplatform DeutschlandFebruary 2024Franziska Hauser represented the artists N&H is working with, as well as the production team of Tanz NRW and Tanzmesse at Tanzplatform Deustchland.
WSFBrigitta KovácsFreiburgTanzplatform DeutschlandFebruary 2024Brigitta Kovács & Gergely Talló represented Hungarian artists and Workshop Foundation at Tanzplatform Deustchland. They learnt about trends in Germany and possibilities for touring in the region.
WSFLadder Art CompanyAvignonFestival d’AvignonJuly 2024Next Stage contributed to Ladder Art Company’s tour in Avignon, where they presented their show, Awakening, to the French and international public. The tour was an important milestone for the company, opening doors to more international tours and higher visibility in the performing arts field.
WSFBrigitta KovácsDüsseldorftanzmesseAugust 2024Brigitta Kovács and Nikos Mavrakis took part at the tanzmesse, the biggest international market for contemporary dance, organsied by the German project partner, Nedelcu & Hauser. The three partners presented the Next Stage project at the Producers Meeting, met fellow managers, talked about potential future collaborations. They also represented the artists they are working with, initiating new presentation and exchange opportunities.
TFENikos MavrakisDüsseldorftanzmesseAugust 2024Brigitta Kovács and Nikos Mavrakis took part at the tanzmesse, the biggest international market for contemporary dance, organsied by the German project partner, Nedelcu & Hauser. The three partners presented the Next Stage project at the Producers Meeting, met fellow managers, talked about potential future collaborations. They also represented the artists they are working with, initiating new presentation and exchange opportunities.